It's our last day here in Orlando...Booooo Hoooo! Spring Break has come to an end, and we have to go back to real life on Monday. :-( I have to say though, I do kind of miss my kiddos! If only I could bring all 80+ kindergarteners down here with me! Wouldn't that be fuuny!
Yesterday afternoon, we went out to play tennis, which I have not played in a very long time! Like maybe since I was 9 or 10. I have to say, I was not very good, but alas, ya can't win 'em all! ;-) Thanks to my mom, we got some pretty good action shots!
We quit playing because we lost all of the balls, so then we had to go on an Easter egg hunt to find them all!
Today is a little cloudy, and I hope it doesn't rain (This is probably God's way of telling me I am getting a little crispy)! Tonight we are heading out to eat somewhere with lots of tv's so we can watch the basketball games. I am really pulling for Louisville! We are an IU family through and through, so we definitely do not want Kentucky to win!
Who will you be routing for tonight?
Have a super day!