Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My First GIVEAWAY!!!

HOORAY!  I made it to 50 wonderful followers!

I appreciate each and every one of you, and to show it, I'm going to have a little giveaway!  My very first little giveaway!

Here's what you will win:

A sign for your classroom/ any other place you might want to put it, such as your kitchen, designed by you and painted by me!

Here is an example of one I already made for our beach-themed room next year. 

Heres how to enter:

1.   Leave me a comment with your email (so I can contact you if you win).
2.   Become a follower (if you aren't already).
3.   Mention my giveaway on your blog!

Doing all three of these things improves your chances of winning!  However, please only do each of them once (doing them more than once does not improve your chances).  A winner will be randomly chosen on Thursday, July 19th!

My blogging exoerience has been AWESOME so far.  Definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made...I almost didn't do it because I was afraid I would run out of things to talk about.  Turns out I have a lot to say! Ha.  I was also afriad that no one would read it, which also has proved to be false.
Thanks for following me you guys! 

I can't wait to see who wins! :-)


Heather (GurleeGirrl) said...

Congrats on making it to 50 Followers! I know how exciting that is :)

I love the beach-themed sign - it would be a good addition to my pool themed decor!

SC Teacher 28 said...

Congratulations on getting 50 followers! I remember how excited I was to reach that milestone. It is so much fun!

KinderKids Fun

Kelly said...

Congrats girlie

This is too cute

VickyVinas said...

Congratulations on getting 50 followers!! The sign is adorable! :)


s said...

I just came across your site - love it.

s said...

oops forgot
tnxns09 at gmail dot com

katja9_10 said...

Congrats on your 50 followers.

katja9_10 at hotmail dot com

Les Johnson

Jessica said...

Congrats on 50 followers - exciting!! You know I love reading your blog, and I'm sure the 49 (now 52) others do too :)


Sandra said...

I'm your newest follower! :) Alisha {bubby blonde teacher} sent me!!
Sweet Times in First

Jen R said...

love the sign! congrats on your followers :)

Nicole Heinlein said...

Congrats! I am moving to Hawaii, so that sign would be perfect in my new classroom! :)
Teaching With Style

Simone @ Busy as a Honey Bee said...

Congratskn the followers!sorryia. Late to the game... Hopin I win!


Heidi said...

Congratulations on reaching 50 followers. I cannot wait to read more from you.

My (Not So) Elementary Life

Yuni Tisna said...

Hei congrats for your 50 and more followers. Hope I can win this giveaway. :D


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