
Saturday, July 28, 2012

We Made It! Vacation Day 1 and 2

We had to sit in the very last row of the plane, where the seats didn't adjust.  Yes, it was right next to the bathroom, and yes, a man took a number two right when he got on the plane (why he didn't do that inside the airport, I'll never know), and it smelled the whole back of the plane up.  We also had no windows, which kind of made me nervous since I couldn't see what was going on......but WE MADE IT!

I finally got to start reading this book!  I know, I am late to the party!  There were 5 other women near me also reading this book by the pool.  And let me just say, I knew it would be risque, but it is just down right freaky!

We stayed at Daytona Beach for a day!  The weather was great!

I almost got washed out because there was a huge wave that rolled all the way up to where I was sitting!  It got my towel soaking wet, but luckily with my cat-like reflexes I grabbed my phone and my new book just in time!  Whew!  I laid by the pool today instead!

Kelly and I by the water. :-)

Our pool had a lazy river which I loved!  Until the kids started to get in it and started to swim under me and bump me into the walls.  Then I was done!  Ha

Here is our room in our rental house that we just got to today!  Two twin beds!  Keepin' it PG this week.  Haha

Front of the house

Living room

 Pool, which is a little dirty, but we will manage!

Tomorrow is Animal Kingdom and lunch with the characters at Disney!  I am SO pumped!

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