
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday and My Very First Guest Post!

I am so excited today because I am doing my very first guest post over at Busy as a Honey Bee.  Simone is off exploring the wilderness of Alaska, so I am the pseudo-Simone today!  It's all about silly traditions ...check it out!  Then come back here and finish reading this WILW's all about Disney today!

Oh good you're back!  As some of you might remember, I am leaving for Orlando/ Disney World on Friday morning! Yes!  I haven't been to Disney since I was fifteen, so I am getting really excited to get in touch with my inner-Minnie! 

So let's link up with Jamie @ This Kind of Love and What I'm Loving Wednesday and Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday! 

Here is what I am loving on my Wednesday before vacation:

I am loving that my cold that I mentioned earlier in the week is almost gone!  Emergen-C and Mucinex can work wonders!  I think I can definitely get rid of it by Friday.

I am loving that I will have my toes in the sand (and hopefully and drink in hand) by noon on Friday.  We don't get our house until Saturday evening, so we are spending a day in Daytona!

Source: via Elyse on Pinterest

Source: via Elyse on Pinterest

I pretty much need this floatie! ^^^^ LOVE LOVE LOVE

I am loving that I am going to see all of the princesses!!!  The last time I went (age 15), I feel like I was "too cool" to truly embrace the presence of the princesses.  This time, I am not going to waste these precious moments.  You think I should dress like them?  A different princess for each day perhaps?

Too much? I'll probably just stick to my Nike shorts and tank tops. 

I am loving all the mickey mouse shaped food...Look! It matches my float!

Source: via Mariana on Pinterest

I am lovin' me some Disney quotes!

Source: via Elyse on Pinterest

Pooh Bear makes my heart melt a little.

:-( Love Lilo and Stitch

And as always, I am loving my life with a cherry on top!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Where in the world do you find a pretzel float?! I neeeeeed that.

  2. Loved your post over at Simone's blog :) I sure do miss Bdubs :/ They don't have any out here in Seattle...

    <3 Jamie

  3. I'm so jealous of your Disney vacation!! It's been a few months since I've been and I'm jonesing! Let me know if you need any trips from a seasoned visitor!!! Or if you want to take me in your suitcase... Haha
