
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happy Wednesday!

Hello Wednesday!  Thanks for getting here because I am WAY excited for this weekend.  More on that in a minute.  Let's link up with Jamie @ This Kind of Love and What I'm Loving Wednesday and Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday! 
I am loving that this weekend my family, boy included is going down to Atlanta to stay with my aunt and uncle!  We don't get to see them so we are VERY excited about this!  Plus we are going to a Braves game which Kelly and I are super-pumped for!  We just have to keep that hurricane from raining on our parade...literally. 
I'll be sporting my favorite Braves gear.
And watching Chipper play for the last time in person!  (Hopefully, if he plays)
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
I am also loving this new ice cream.
Thank you Duff Goldman (one of my favorite celebrity chefs) for inventing the 24 Karat Carrot Cake Ice Cream.  It is perfect for the upcoming season.  You couldn't get more fall if you ate a bowl of crunchy leaves.  YUM!
I am loving my new job!  Although I do miss being with the kinders every day, I love being able to plan and teach.  I am finally getting into the swing of things and can almost say that I am organized.  I am not quite there yet, but almost.  I am still figuring out where I need to start with my IEP kids, what they need to work on, and establishing a routine.  I'm getting there, and I can't wait to share!
And now for Pinterest:
I am loving fall-ish fashion!
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest


Source: via Elyse on Pinterest

I am loving these crafty things!
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest

And I can't go a week without some yummy food pins!
 BBQ Chicken Dip

 Ooey Gooey Caramel Pumpkin Blondies with Chocolate and Walnuts.  Oh-em-gee.
I'll leave you with that!
Until tomorrow friends!  Happy Wednesday!


  1. Carrot cake ice cream?! I die. I love carrot cake so much, I served it at my wedding.

    1. You have to try it then! You would love it!

  2. Oh my gosh! I've got to try that carrot cake ice cream! And the caramel pumpkin blondies? You just made a very pregnant girl very happy!
