
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday Social- End of Summer

Well I just got back from a lovely weekend in Atlanta, where my Sunday Social post was supposed to post by itself. 

But I just realized that it didn't, so here it is!

 It's Sunday Social time with Neely and Ashley! This weeks questions are about the end of summer!  

1. What was your favorite trip/vacation/activity this summer?

Definitely our vacation wth Kelly's family! We went to Daytona and Orlando.  Although this weekend is coming in as a close second, but we'll count this for fall. ;-)

2. What was your favorite outfit look of the summer/clothing item?

My denim shirt that I got at Forever 21.  It goes with everything except for maybe jeans (no one should where jean on jean). 


And it can easily transition into fall!

3. What is one thing you wish you had gotten to do this summer?

Well I got to do pretty much everything I wanted to so I guess I'll just go with the "get a job" answer!  The only thing I didn't get to do was get ready for school in my very own classroom.  But it's ok because I'm happy with where I am at! :-)
4. What was your favorite song of the summer?

Pontoon by Little Big Town

I can't think of a better song to describe my summer!


5. What was your favorite movie/tv show of the summer?

There always has to be one question that I don't know the answer to!  The last movie I saw in theaters was the Hunger Games, and that was in the spring.  I can't even think of what movie we got last on Netflix because we have still been getting the LOST seasons.  We recently rented Love and Other Drugs which has been out for a while, but it was surprisingly good!  I was kind of ho hum about it, but I would definitely watch it again!

Happy Sunday!

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