
Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekend Productivity

Happy Monday everyone...long time no see!  I haven't posted since Wednesday! 
 I used my "blogging time" the past few days to try to get ahead for this week. 
The apartment has been neglected due to the fact that I have been so busy lately...needless to say it was a horrendous mess!  Kelly and I took some time yesterday morning to pick up and clean up because his friend was supposed to be coming in town last night.  He ended up not be able to come, but at least our apartment is *sparkling*!
I also got my old hand-me-down desk painted finally!  It has been sitting in the living room since about February I think!  Now I just have to get it put in its proper place....It's SO heavy!  I'll be sharing my crafty project later in the week. :-)
I got my lesson plans done for the whole week!  This has yet to happen until now!
We also have eaten out for the past 4 dinners....YIKES!  The scale shows it too.  I was able to go to the store so I can have ingredients to make dinner all week.  No more eating out!
I was even able to take a nap by the pool for a couple of hours yesterday!
So sorry dear blog for neglecting you, but I got so much done!
How was your weekend?

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