
Monday, November 5, 2012

5 for Five Fails

Well week one of setting some weekly goals for myself was a success!  I really tried to stick to them, and it made me feel a lot better about my week! So let's link up again with Jessica @ Fantastically Average and Jenn @ Party of One


Here are my goals for this week:
1.  Be in bed by 10:00 three out of five nights.  I did it!  I wasn't necessarily sleeping, but I was at least in bed!
2.  Finish at least one crafty thing.  I was out of a lot of supplies, which makes it kind of hard to finish!  I went to Joann Fabrics yesterday with my trusty coupons, and got all restocked, and now I'm ready to get some things accomplished!
3.  Keep track of how many calories I eat using the Lose It! app on my phone.  I kept track Monday and Tuesday, and part of Wednesday.  When I did keep track, I found that I ate less.  I just have to do it every day!
4.  Workout for at least an hour 6 out of 7 days.  I worked out 5 days, but I just couldn't make myself go yesterday!  I did walk around while shopping at them mall...Does that count?
5.  Finish my lesson plans for next week before Friday.  Well I did not get this done either.  I ended up re-doing my lesson plan template AGAIN ( I think this is the fourth time), so that set me back a little.  BUT I didn't go into school yesterday (which I am probably going to regret), so I guess this one was partially met. 
1 out of 5.  FAIL.
 Here are my goals for this week:
1.  Finish at least one crafty thing.  I am ready to do it this time.
2.  Keep track of how many calories I eat using the Lose It! app on my phone.  I just have to take the time to do it!  It's not even like it takes that long, I just have to slow down and make myself. 
3.  Workout for at least an hour 6 out of 7 days. 
4.  Finish my lesson plans for next week before Friday.  I really do not want to stay after school on Friday or go in on Sunday.  It would be so nice to start my weekend at 3:00!
5.  Schedule 3 blog posts at least the night before, if not earlier.  It would be so nice to sleep in until 5:00 am and not have to set my alarm for 4:15!
Hopefully I will do better this week.
Wish me luck!
Also I am covering for a 4th grade class all day again today, so wish me luck with that too.
Fourth grade is not my thing. 
And their lunch is at 12:00, an actual lunch time.  We usually eat at 10:30.  I think I might starve.


  1. Hey lady! Thanks for linking up with us again! I had one of those 'fail' type weeks too :( BUT I'm so glad that you too are starting fresh and giving it another shot this week!

    You've got some fantastic goals for this week- I'm LOVING the one about scheduling posts the night before! Typically, I try to devote some time on the weekend to doing this- that why I can spend blog 'writing time' doing some 'blog stalking' which I love! I didn't do it this weekend though so I'm going to have to take some nights to do that this week.

    Enjoy your week and great luck with your goals! You can do it!

  2. You might have only completed 1 goal completely, but you did almost complete 2 other goals. You have to look on the bright side! Hopefully you can get all of them done this week! Good luck!

  3. Hey, why can't walking around the mall count? ;)
    I hear you on tracking calories - I always eat less when I do it, just because I don't want to sign on and track them haha.
    Good luck this week!

  4. I had a fail week last time, too. I hope this week was better!

    Also, I'm definitely going to check out the Lose It! app - I hadn't heard of it before you mentioned it, but I definitely eat better when I write it down, and that seems pretty simple to do it through my phone.

    Thanks again for linking up!!
