
Monday, December 3, 2012

5 for Five

The start of a new week means that I have to check to see how well I did on my goals with Jessica @ Fantastically Average and Jenn @ Party of One!

I thought I did really well...thought.  Turns out I did not do so well.  I half-way did most of my goals but none of them were completed 100%.  BOO to that! 

Here were my goals for last week:
1.  Schedule 3 blog posts at least the night before.  Negative.  I just can't ever get this done at night!
2.  Finish at least 2 craft projects.  I finished one completely and the other was started but I had to wait for the paint to dry!
Here is the project that I finished. 
It turned out really well I think!
3.  Make an additional payment on my credit card.  I was waiting on a check, so I am doing this today!
4.  Workout 6 out of 7 days.  I forgot my shoes on Thursday night and Friday my mom and I decided to get some shopping done.  But I did have a longer than usual workout on Saturday morning, and I took the dog for a pretty long run/walk yesterday.  I am pretty sore.
5.  Put the finishing touches on my Christmas decorations.  This goes along with the second craft that I didn't finish.  The paint is drying. 
0 out of 5 goals!  I am a 5 for Five failure!
Here are my goals for this week:
1.  Start working on some Christmas presents.  I have a few that I have to make!
2.  Workout 6 out of 7 days.  Trying this again!
3.  Schedule at least 1 blog post the night before.  Maybe I'll just try for one this week.
4.  Finish my bulletin board at school.  I have to get my Christmas board done before Christmas!
5.  Fix my Cricut.  I will no longer work because it has to be updated, and I can't get it to update. 
To end with something positive, I had a great weekend!
Friday we ordered pizza, watched a movie, and I drank wine and made the above wreath.
Saturday afternoon, I cracked the screen on my phone. Total fluke, I barely even dropped it.  :-/  Saturday night we went to an Icemen hockey game.  Lucky for us it was Star Wars night.  Brought out some of the "different" folks, but it was cute.

Two of the liuttle league teams played at an intermission.  It was so cute!

My favorite part of the night was when all of the characters danced to Gangham Style.
We finished off the night at Bar Louie, my beloved loaded tots, and this guy.
Salted Caramel Martini.  OMG so good.
Have a great week!


  1. Oh my gosh, that drink looks so decadent! I dropped my phone ON CARPET once and shattered the back of it, boo for fluke breaking! Looks like y'all had a fun time at the hockey game, I love the Gangnam dancing!

  2. I love your wreath! I'd love to make something like that, I just never seem to find the time. :(

    Newest follower here, best wishes for your goals for next week! :) Hope you have a great day.

  3. We all have bad weeks, just look at next week as a fresh start.
