
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Post-Christmas Post Part 1

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  We sure did! 
We started out by heading up to Kelly's grandparents' house on Sunday night for a seafood dinner!  It was so yummy!  This year we decided to wear ugly sweaters.

Then we exchanged gifts and headed back to his mom's house to stay the night.  His mom and I drank lots of wine and I introduced her The Holiday and Jude Law. 
He is so nice to look at.  And his accent...Oh!
If you have never seen The Holiday, you should put it on you must-watch list for next year.  So good!

Then on Christmas Eve we drove up to eat lunch with Kelly's Dad and Stepmom.  Then we went back to their house to hang out and exchange gifts.  Then we drove back down to Kelly's mom's house where we watched more Christmas movies and drank more wine and ate some cheese and crackers. 
Christmas morning we woke up early and opened presents.  We ate a big breakfast and then we trekked back down here to spend Christmas Day with my family!  So much driving!  Good thing the snow waited until Christmas night to come!
I will share the rest of our Christmas fun tomorrow...Farewell for now!

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