
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Finding Balance

It is becoming increasingly difficult to find that perfect balance of everything I need in my life. 

Balancing both of my jobs (one of which is new and requires a lot of my free time and the other which is my fun "on the side job" that is also requiring more and more of my free time lately.)  Most nights I don't set foot in my house until 7:00 or 8:00, sometimes 9:00 after being gone since 6:30 in the morning. 

Balance between my boy and my jobs.  He thinks I work too much, and I know I work a lot (about 50+ hours a week), but I just can't break my self away from my fun job yet.  That is exactly why we enjoy our Friday nights in and our Saturday night dates. 

Balance between working out and relaxing.  I try to workout everyday, sometimes it's just for a half an hour, sometimes it's for two hours, but everyday.  I hardly ever just lay on the couch, which most of the time is all I want to do.  In fact, I can't remember the last time I just laid on the couch without a computer on my lap or a craft in my hands. 

Balance between family and life.  My family is so important to me!  I see at least one of my parents every day usually.  And I try to spend as much time as possible with my brother and sister when they are home.  Fortunately enough, life usually takes a back seat to those guys. 
Just some thoughts for a Tuesday, when I want my life to be like this:
But really it's more like this:

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