
Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday Letters

TGIF people!!! I'm linking up with Ashley @ Adventures of Newlyweds for Friday letters!
Dear Friday, thanks for arriving promptly.  I need some extra sleep!  Dear Holiday Pound-age, thanks for coming off quickly.  Dear Pizza, now that I am back down to my normal weight, I would say it is time for you to get back in my life (it is Friday after-all).  Dear New Job, I like you so far, but some new friends would be greatly appreciated.  I am a little lonely.  Dear 493 New Students, sorry I don't know any of your names.  Dear Coffee, kick in already.


  1. Hey there Lovely!! I've nominated you for the Liebster Award! If you choose to participate, please link back to this post and comment with your link so I can read your lovely answers!

    <3 Christin

  2. Good luck with the new job! I can't wait to see classroom pictures :)
