
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday and OHP

This week instead of saying, "Wednesday already!?!?!"...I am saying, "Is it reeeeeally only Wednesday?"  Why is this week inching along like a slug? 

But it is Wednesday, and you know what that means!  I'm linking up with Jamie @ This Kind of Love and What I'm Loving Wednesday and Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday! 
I am loving that I almost have all of my Christmas decorations taken down.  Almost.  All 5 of them. 
I am loving that we have had a free schedule the past few weekends, which leaves plenty of times for naps and wine.
I am loving that it is a tad bit warmer outside.  I am all for cold weather if it is snowing...Otherwise, I would rather sweat. 
I am loving Pinterest!
Check out what I've been pinning this week!
 Things that will not help me lose weight^^^^^^.
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
 Bang Bang Chicken.
 Love the curtains!
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
 Track for cars on the wall...Brilliant.
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
 Lazy Susan with supply buckets glued to it...Def doing this for all of my tables!
 Love this!  Not that I need it right now or anything...
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
You know you just did it in your head... "You go Glen Coco!"
Words to live by on this Wednesday. :-)


  1. Loving all of your pins. And loving having free weekends, too. Makes it so much easier to feel rested when the dreaded Monday comes along!
