
Monday, February 4, 2013

5 for Five OOPS

How is it that we just came out of the weekend, and I am still exhausted?  I see a major case of the Mondays in my future!  But since it is Monday, that means it is time to set my weekly goals with Jessica @ Fantastically Average and Jenn @ Party of One!
Here's the problem though:
So of you may have noticed that my post from last Monday was left unfinished.  I didn't noticed this until just now when I went to see what my goals for last week were!  This was definitely not on purpose!  I don't know what happened, but somehow the end of my post got chopped off.  Thanks for your help Blogger!
So anyways I have no idea what my goals were for last week or if I accomplished them. 
Starting fresh! 
Here are my goals for this week:
1.  Buy paint and tape off rooms to get ready to paint this weekend.
2.  Start painting.  We are going to be out of town a couple of weekends from now, so  I want to make sure this gets done so I can start decorating!
3.  Drink more water!  I was doing really well with this before Christmas, but with my new job, I haven't been staying with it.  I drink maybe two bottles while I'm at school.  On a good day.  I need to drink at least 6 bottles a day!
4.  No salt.  Lately I have been trying to cut out little things from my diet.  Salt is something that I use frequently, but I think I can do without it.  So no additional salt on my food. 
5.  Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.  Going to bed at 10 or 11 and waking up at 4 is not cutting it.  I'm tired of being tired!
Bonus goal:  Work really hard to get everything done at school so I DON"T have to go in this weekend!  I can accomplish so much more if I don't have to go in. 
Now hopefully these won't get lost in internet space!  Check back next week to see how I did!


  1. Sometimes you just have to start fresh! It happens, for sure :) You have some great goals for the week ahead. I'm really working on #3 and #5 this week, too! I also like your idea of getting everything done during the week so that you can enjoy your weekend! I hope that you have a great & productive week! Thanks again for linking up :)

  2. Linking up from 5 for Five! Love your bonus goal!! Sometimes I find it hard to figure out 5 goals, but a bonus goal is even better! :) Drink more water was on my list too! I find it hard to do because I get so distracted so easily but i've been trying to keep up on it! You can check me out at

