
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy Blog-iversary to me! And a GIVEAWAY!

As of today I have been blogging for one whole year!  And what a coincidence that this is post number 201!  In honor of my blog-iversary I am doing some throwback posts this week!

 This throwback post is from September...that's about 5 months and a completely different job ago!

There is nothing like a night in after a busy week of school. 
Is there ever a week of school that isn't busy? 
I highly doubt it! Ha
There is nothing also nothing like teaching your first graders about possessive nouns for the first time.
It is so cute to hear them try to say apostrophe!
So of course I tried to make them say it as much as I possibly could for my own kicks and giggles.
"Whose dog is it?"
"Brayden's dog."
"How do I write Brayden's"
 "Add pa-stroffy s" 
"Whose book is it?"
"Camden's book"
"How do I write Camden's?"
"Add that thing and an s."
"Add what thing?"
I just love it!
I guess the more they say the word, the better they will be able to pronounce it right?
The kids also get a huge kick out of using their own names in examples, and they especially get a kick out of using the Principal's name!  Why is that?
Another interesting thing I realized is that everyone in my 1st grade reading group has a name that ends in "n".
Isn't that weird?  Popular name trend in the year 2006 for sure!
Back to my Friday night in.....
I did actually go to kickboxing which I REALLY did not want to do...I was so tired!
Then I came home and took a nap until 7:00 because Kelly was still at work.
When I woke up I turned on Say Yes to the Dress.  DUH! It's Friday Bride Day!
And then I started making dinner. 
We had Key West Marinated Chicken and grilled asparagus.  YUM!
Mine didn't quite look like that because I didn't put it on kabobs. 

 I marinated my asparagus in oil, balsamic vinegar, and garlic salt.

I served everything up with some blistered fingerling potatoes!

(I think I need to invest in some non-rainbow wavy print plates.  Something more appropriate for presentations.  Ha)

I paired it with some Chardonnay served in my new cupcake wine glass from Kirkland's home decor.

A perfect glass for Cupcake wine!

It was a delicious dinner!

Now I am flirting with the idea of eating Kelly's caramel apple that's in the refrigerator.  I ate mine on Wednesday. :-/

You snooze, you lose right?
 Happy Friday!
I miss grilling.

And just for the record, I still have the rainbow plates.

Now for the fun part!  In honor of all my lovely followers, I am giving away a $20 gift card to Target!  Everybody loves Target right!?!?
Thank You Pattern GiftCard Quick Information

^^^^This could be yours^^^^

a Rafflecopter giveaway

 I'll announce the winner on Sunday!


  1. Happy blogiversary!!
    I love that cupcake wine glass--super cute!

  2. Happy blogiversary! I love Target and a gift card to Target would get me another cute cardigan I saw on clearance ;)

  3. Happy Blogiversary!!

    I'd buy anything and everything - love Target :)
    Lacey @ CHARM + Sass

  4. Happy blogiversary! I love that wine glass!!! Target is the best!!

    Clearly Kindergarten

  5. Happy Anniversary!! If I won the giftcard I would hope I would spend it on myself, but let's be honest, I'm a teacher. I'm 99.9% likely to spend it on my classroom... maybe some storage containers ;)

  6. Happy Blogiversary! I would probably buy a cute pair of running shorts and a workout top to motivate me to start getting back in shape! (btw I followed as Theresa Sutton)

  7. Something fun...maybe 20 items from the Dollar Section?! lol
    First Grade Blue SKies

  8. I would buy baby clothes for my baby due in August!
    rafflecopter: alaine

  9. Love all the kids trying to say apostrophe! Too cute! Happy blogiversary! Oh and I would prob buy clothes!

