
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Hump Day!

Here we are yet again!  I'm linking up with Jamie @ This Kind of Love and What I'm Loving Wednesday and Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday! 
I am loving that my room is finally clean after the debacle that I blogged about yesterday!
 Look at that clean counter!
I am loving that I get to see the sibs this weekend!
The whole fam is going up to Indy for a visit!

  I am loving that I don't have to teach math anymore!  This just occurred to me the other day, and I am totally okay with it!
I am loving that Lent starts today! 
I always use it as an excuse to get my sweet tooth under control....and get closer to God.
I am really loving my coffee!  I need it so I can get to school earlier than normal today.  Lots to do today!
I am loving my pins!
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
I WILL be getting these!
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest

Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
div style="line-height: 0px; padding-bottom: 2px; text-align: center;">
Blueberry Lemon Yogurt Bread
 That counts as breakfast, not as a sweet right?


  1. Love the long skirt! I really want to get a few for the summer, they look so comfy

  2. Ohmygoodness That skirt! Beautiful!! I'm stopping by from the Pinterest link up today. =]

  3. Stopping by from WILW...I love all of your pins! Ummm....the Asics...awesome! And the first pins just gives me the warm fuzzies. Happy Wednesday!

  4. thoes shoes!! Eeek!! omg!!
    i must have those!! :)

    new follower from the pinterest link up.
    i must say, i love your taste. especially that yogurt bread!
    can i send you my address so when you make it you can send me some?! bahaha!!

    1. I have to say, I can't wait to purchase those shoes!

  5. OMG that skirt? LOve it!!!!!!

    Stopping by from What I'm Loving Wednesday!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  6. Ahhh yes, I ADORE those Asics! Working out doesn't get much more fun than that!


    Courtney @ Little Miss MBA
