
Friday, February 22, 2013

Pit and Peak

Happy Friiiiiday!  I'm linking up with Allie @ Tales of a Twenty Something  and Brin @  Bold Butter Baby to share the highs and lows of my week!

I was out of coffee on Tuesday morning.  It was rough.
I killed my house plant that I have had for 3 years.  I moved it to a different spot and forgot it was there!
I woke up late today.  I just cut out my shower.  A little dirty hair never hurt anyone.
I was off school on Monday, and I got so much done, at school and at the house!
I bought new coffee.  The Spring Blend from Fresh Market.  It's a light blend of caramel and butterscotch, and it is delish!
I'm finally caught up at school, and I'm not going to have to go in this weekend...Booyah!!!
Kelly and I have got to spend a lot of good time together this week.  :-)
This hasn't happened yet, but we are moving more stuff to the house tonight!  Big stuff.  We are getting really close.
This also hasn't happened yet, but we are getting sushi tonight!  Well I am getting sushi tonight.  Kelly is getting fried rice.  Can't wait!
And the best part of my week is that I have way more Peaks than Pits!  Guess it was a good one!
Have a fab weekend peeps!

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