
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Random Thursday: If I was queen for day...

I decided I don't much care for reposting old stuff.  BORING!  So I am trying something new today!  I am linking up for Random Thursday with Em, Lin, and Meg.  This week's topic is...
I was queen for a day....
I would have would have a chef to make my coffee and my breakfast.  Probably fancy pancakes.

Then I would meet with my personal trainer to work off those pancakes.
Then I would have a personal stylist do my hair, makeup, and pick out my trendy outfit.
Probably this.

Because really that skirt is amazing, and you could really only wear it if you were queen.

Then I would meet Princess Kate for lunch and a cute little place that has great salads.

Source: via Courtney on Pinterest

Because really who doesn't want to be her best friend!?!?

And maybe she would let me borrow one of her hats!

I would go shopping at all the finest stores.  And buy lots of new shoes.  Like Louboutins or Manolo Blahniks.

Then I would come home to my king and Bobby Flay would make all of our food.

Calories don't count when you are queen.

Then after having some serious dessert and the finest wines, I would sleep in my fluffy marshmallow bed. 

With lots of pillows and poofy blankets. 

I think that would do!

What a life!

Don't forget to check out my giveaway!  There are only two days left to enter!


  1. That skirt is really cute! :) It should be the official queen outfit!

    1. If only I could pull that off in real life! Maybe in LA but not here in little ol' Indiana!

  2. I would love to have lunch Kate, she totally seems like she'd be down to earth. Not to mention she has an English accent, which I adore.

    That bed looks SO comfortable! thanks so much for linking up with us this week.

    1. My new goal is to have a bed that is that fluffy in real life! :-)

  3. Sounds amazing! Particularly the poofy queen bed. THAT is a bed fit for a queen!!

    1. If only I could have a bed like that in real life!

  4. Calories for sure don't count if you're queen right? ...sign me up! :) (Stopping by from Linny's Vault! Newest follower!) :)
