
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Social

It's Sunday and I'm linking up with Ashley and Neely for Sunday Social! 

1. What was your first car?
A Chrysler New Yorker.  BIG BIG car.  We called it the boat.  It was my grandpa's.  Then it was mine.  Then my brother's.  Then my sister's.  Then we pushed it off a cliff.
What a beaut!  Only mine was silver.
2. Who was your favorite childhood teacher?

Mrs. Hagerty.  I had her when I was in 5th grade and 6th grade.  I thought it was so cool that she was young.  We were her first classes.  She also taught Language Arts, and we did so many cool things!  She introduced me to Harry Potter by reading a portion to the class, making us want more so we would finish the rest ourselves.  We also did a project on Greek Mythology.  I researched Aphrodite, and I loved it! 

I think she is one of my followers actually.  Hi Mrs. Hagerty!
3. Were you involved in any sports/extracurricular activities? Share pictures if you can!

I played volleyball 5th grade- 8th grade.  Basketball 5th grade- 7th grade.  And I did cheerleading 6th grade- 8th grade.  I wasn't good at any of them really.  Ha.  I have never been athletic.  I love exercising, but I have absolutely no coordination.  I would share some akward pictures, but they are all at the new house.  Dang!
4. What was your favorite birthday party?

In the 2nd grade I had my first sleepover.  There were 9 girls, and my mom coordinated all of these games for us to play.  We watched The Poltergeist and were scared out of our minds!  So funny looking back on it.  Pretty sure it was the first time I stayed up past midnight!
5. Who was your teen celebrity crush?

A little J.T.T. anyone?  Jonathan Taylor Thomas.  Oh my god he made my heart throb.

 I watched every show or movie he was.

Home Improvement

Wild America

Man of the House

Loved him!
6. What show/movie did your parents not allow you to watch?

Ren and Stimpy.

Looking back on it I realize why, and I don't even know why I ever even wanted to watch it!  Sick. 



  1. HI Elyse! Found your blog through Megan at Growing Up Is Actually Kinda Fun & I'm so glad I did. I'm your newest follower and just grabbed your button for my blog! xo

    Courtney @ Little Miss MBA

  2. YES- LOVE JTT and Ren & Stimpy was banned at my house, too :) Hope you're having a great weekend :)
