
Monday, April 8, 2013

5 for Five

What a beautiful weekend!  I actually wore a tank top when I was working out in the yard! Let's see how I did on my goals with Jessica @ Fantastically Average and Jenn @ Party of One!
I should have made raking leaves one of my goals because I feel like that is ALL I did all weekend.  Since this house was vacant for so long, the leaves were out of control.  I swear all of the neighbors dumped their leaves into our yard.  They were up to my hips at one point!

1.  Stick to eating less sweets.  Ehhhhh I can't really say that I stuck to this, but I started out strong at the beginning of the week. 

2.  Spray paint the patio furniture black.  I did as much as I could.  I bought two cans of spray paint, but I still ran out! 

3.  Be in bed by 10:00 4 out of 5 nights.  Check!  I may not have been asleep, but  I was at least in bed!

4.  Get some stuff hung on these empty walls.  I didn't actually get stuff hung up, but I made some progress in getting some décor painted.  Counting it!

5.  Plan meals for next week.  Still haven't gone to the store!!!!  Although I did make a list!
4.5 out of 5!  Not too shabby!
Here are my goals for next week:
1.  Go to the store.  We have got to get some food in this place!
2.  Hang décor and/or craft/redo décor.  As long as I am working on it!
3.  Do taxes.  Nothing like waiting until the last minute!
4.  No sweets until Thursday.  Thursday is my birthday, so of course there will be cake!
5.  Prepare for art show next week.  The school art show is sneaking up on me, and I have got to start mounting some work!

Wish me luck!


  1. Congrats on the house! We moved into our vacant house in the middle of winter, so I totally understand about leaves! That was a surprise when the snow melted...

  2. Good job on completing so many of your goals... the outdoor furniture is coming along really nicely! Good luck with your new goals!
