
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Better Late Than Never

I am a little late posting this but better late than never!  I went to bed too late on Sunday (we may or may not have been watching The Karate Kid until 11:00...), hence the reason why I couldn't get up early enough to post this yesterday morning.     Let's see how I did on my goals with Jessica @ Fantastically Average and Jenn @ Party of One!...I feel like not very well. Ha

Here are my goals from last week:
1.  Keep track of my calories every day. I did pretty well at this, but I didn't make it EVERY day.
2.  Finish this shelf and get it hung up! 
Like I said last week, I just have to get the stripes put on, but I keep thinking there is way I can do it without measuring that I haven't figured out yet.  I think I am wrong about that, and I just need to do it!
3.  Blog five times.  Nope nope nope.  I am lacking inspiration lately.
4.  Start painting my craft room. Didn't even set foot in there this weekend!
5.  Clean our old apartment and turn in keys.  I started, but I am not done yet.  Kelly hurt his back so I have been working solo on this. 
0/5.  I haven't had a week that bad in a long time!
I did get some things done this weekend, they just weren't on my list!
I painted faces for the Spring Carnival at my old school on Friday.  I didn't know I was going to be outside...well I knew, but I thought that would be changed because it was freeeeeeezing.  My hands were so numb by the end that I could barely paint!
Cherry topped appropriate!

I made the Quinoa with Corn and Scallions that Jessica posted about last week.  I had all of the ingredients so all I had to do was whip it up!  And it was pretty tasty!  A very teacher friendly lunch since it can be eaten cold, and it's packed with protein to keep me going through the rest of the day!
My mom came over Sunday and we did some gardening.   This flower bed was full of tree saplings.  We trimmed them down and planted some tiger lilies instead.
(please excuse my finger)
This was just a patch of dirt along the sidewalk in our back yard.  No grass grows there because it gets washed out a lot when it rains.  We planted some black-eyed-susans there to cover it up!

So see, I did get some stuff done, just nothing on my list!

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