
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Birthday Fun!

Last Thursday was my 25th birthday!  People were asking me if I was starting to feel old, or if I was having trouble with turning 25.  "Heck no!" I said.  Even Kelly has been harassing me (he is also 25).  The truth is I had a great 25th year of life!  I got a job, we have a house, I have great friends and an even greater family (now if I could only have that ring on my finger)!   No problems here! 
We spent the weekend (and then some) celebrating! 
Wednesday night my Salon bosses took me out for margaritas (Thanks Jenny, Julie, and Laurie!) at a local Mexican restaurant.  We were feeling good!  They told them it was my birthday, so I had to put on this gem.
But I got fried ice cream with it!  Laurie spent the remainder of her evening editing this photo. Ha!
Thursday the festivities continued at school.  I have to say that being a teacher is probably the best job to have on your birthday!  The kids are so funny!
Notice the mis-spelling of the last name.  Oops!
When I got to the Salon that night there was a cake waiting for me!
That night we went to Buffalo Wild Wings for our traditional Thursday dinner.  I made the mistake of telling the our waitress (we have the same one every week) that it was my birthday.  I didn't realize they did birthdays at that place!
They made me where this crown, and they announced my birthday to the whole restaurant.  That wasn't embarrassing at all...BUT I got a free sauce, so it was worth it I suppose.
Friday we were out of school, so I went to lunch with my mom and dad at a local sushi restaurant, and I got my hair done. 
Ombre and bangs! #carselfie
Then Kelly and I went to Bar Louie for dinner.  YUM!
Saturday Kelly's mom came down and treated us to lunch and a little shopping!
I picked out this wall art from Pier 1 for my birthday present!
 It matches some wall décor that I got from Hobby Lobby.
After lunch and shopping, we went to parents for my birthday dinner (no wonder I weigh more this week!).  My grandma and great aunt came and we grilled out and drank wine.  My mom made a delicious strawberry coconut cake a la Pinterest (the cake itself, not the icing decorations ha)!

Birthdays definitely get better as you get older! 
Yesterday was back to real life, raking leaves and eating leftovers!


  1. Looks like a FAB birthday and I LOOOOOVE your hair!!

  2. What a wonderful birthday!!! Happy belated birthday!
