
Thursday, May 23, 2013

BEDIM {Day 23} and Some Good News

Good news first....I got the job!!!!! Praise the Lord I will finally be employed by permanent contract!  That means no more looking for a job unless I want to, which I do not!   I will be staying at the school I am at now and continuing to work as the art teacher!  Words cannot explain the relief and excitement I am feeling....Ahhhhhh.
Now to the real reason for today's post:
Day 23, Thursday: Things you've learned that school won't teach you
1.  Greasy food always makes a hangover better.
2.  Flushing public toilets with your foot is a must.
3.  Skipping coffee in the morning will make you feel like s*** for the rest of the day.
4.  How much parents really do help you when you're younger.
5.  Teachers probably get more excited about the last day of school than the students do.
6.  It's okay to enjoy doing kid activities (like jumping on a trampoline) when your 25.
7.  Treat your body nicely.  It's yours forever.
8.  Don't stress over little things.  Worry about spending time with your family and friends, not about homework and job stuff.
9.  Don't try to be cool.  Just be yourself.
10.  Karma is real.
These things should definitely be part of the standards! 


  1. Congrats on the job!! That is always a relief to have a permanent job! :) Another thing to add onto your list, how fast time flies the older you get. I use to remember as a kid how SLOW the days of summer would go by. Now it's already the end of May, June is almost here which means 2013 is half way over! WHAT!?!! That's craziness!!!

  2. Congratulations!!! Huge stress relief! haha
    I love the list you made--all of which are SO true!

  3. Congrats on getting the job!!!


  4. First, Congratulations!!! What a relief!

    Second, I love every one of these. So simple and so true. All of them. Especially about greasy food curing a hangover. Why is that?!

  5. Yay, you haz job. Seriously, congrats girl. Eww I hate public bathrooms
