
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

5 for Five and a Weekend Update

I am a day late, but for a good reason.  I was tired last night.  Isn't that good enough?  So even though it's Tuesday I am still going to set some goals...I having a feeling I did not get 5 for Five like I did last week with  Jessica @ Fantastically Average and Jenn @ Party of One

And a serious, hug thanks to Jenn for having the Goody Bag Giveaway!  The traffic to all of my social media outlets has been amazing!!!  Thanks girl!
Here are my goals from last week:
1.  Go to school one time.  Nope.  No time again.
2.  Go to two yoga classes. Y'all I am in love with Hot Yoga...You guys were right!  It's all I want to do, but I am still making myself do my regular workouts too.  It's such a good feeling to have your sweat dripping all over the floor!
3.  Begin the ever-so-long process of fixing my Cri-cut.  Let me just say, I am totally dreading this.  I think that's why I didn't do it.
4.  Organize my craft room. 
5.  Blog every day. 
1/5 is not so good. 
Here are my goals for this week:
1.  Complete "I can" statements for grades K-5.  This is going to take a while since I have to do all the standards for all of the grades.  Good thing its going to be raining a lot this week.
2.  Work on behavior management game-board for my classroom.  More about this after it is done. 
3.  Plant flowers.  I have some flowers that I bought that need to get in the ground!
4.  Do laundry.  There's so much. 
5.  Cook dinner at least once.
Hopefully I will do better than 1/5.
Part of the reason why I got nothing done last week was because we had such a fun-filled weekend!
We went up to Indy on Friday and stayed the night for the Dave Matthews concert on Saturday.  Saturday we headed to the campsite and hung out there all day, where it stormed and poured.  After the storm we took our soaking wet selves and walked up to the concert.  We do this every year, and seriously, it is always so much fun!  I can't get enough.  No makeup required, day-drinking, no driving necessary, and good music.  Who wouldn't have fun!
{Friday when we went out after coming into town}

 {The campsite}

{Forgot to bring a knife to cut the we used scissors.}

{The boys are incapable of taking a normal picture}

{A little beer pong!}

{Also forgot spatula for the grill...ergo butter knife and a screw driver.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.}

{Storm's a brewin'.  This is what caused us (and all of our stuff) to be soaked all weekend. And it broke our tent.  I'm surprised we still had fun after this!}

{At the concert, after the rain.}

{The crowd.}

 Sunday we came home and slept alllll day (at least I did).  Then we went to Qdoba and had a good hangover meal.
I am still doing wet, smelly laundry.

Sami's Shenanigans

Linking up with Sami!

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