
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Weekend for the Books!

I've been absent since Wednesday, mostly because I was having so much fun, partly because I was too lazy to open up my computer. 
Not only was it the 4th of July, but this girl also turned 21.

Bur first we celebrated the 4th of July! 

We grilled brats and had a very "4th of July-y" meal. 
Grams came.  :-)
Then we headed out to fireworks at a local country club- so much better that fighting the crowds at the city fireworks!
When we got back we did a few fireworks of our own!
Friday my brother and his girlfriend, Whitney, as well as my sister's boyfriend came down from Indy for the weekend to celebrate Lauren's birthday.
We had a fish fry at my parent's with fish that my dad and brother caught on Father's Day weekend.  It was so yummy that I forgot to take pictures!
Saturday night Kelly and I had everyone over for grilled pizza before we went out to the bars!
Baked Potato Pizza

Barbeque Chicken Pizza
And I made a beautiful drunk-Barbie birthday cake....I am not a baker. 
Notice the crack down the middle.  It started to collapse, but I guess it turned out okay.  It was supposed to look like a hot mess so...
The crack started to grow as the night got longer.

There's the birthday girl.

Family pictures before we went out.

The girls.

She didn't actually turn 21 until midnight, so she went to a party at her friend's apartment above the bar we went to, and we waited down there for her.

After waiting for what seemed like forever (I'm not going to lie, I thought I was going to fall asleep right at that table) was finally midnight!
The next day, we made an attempt to actually celebrate her actual birthday, but someone was not feeling so great.
I made her a basket with all kinds of fun "21" stuff, including gift cards for drunk food like IHOP, Steak n' Shake, and Taco Bell.

Kelly and I stopped for sno-cones after we went to the pool.

Then we went to Acapulco's {best Mexican ever} for Lauren's first legal margarita...which she ordered, but did not drink.

The picture looked good though!
I also found this gem of a picture, circa de 2003. 
Virgin daiquiris on Spring Break.
No more of those for us!
Linking up with Sami!
Sami's Shenanigans



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