
Friday, July 12, 2013

Caution: Epic Weekend Ahead

I am SO excited.  You know why? 
 I get to spend the whole weekend with this girl.
My very best friend Emily!
We never get to spend a whole weekend together!
I am traveling up to Indy here in a few hours and we are going to pool and shop and drink.   The three things we do best!
It could be dangerous.
Her friend Sarah will also be there and we will try to re-create this best friend picture from freshman year of college.

Aren't we presh?
This means I am leaving Kelly at home by himself.  Well not totally by himself, his brothers are coming for a visit this weekend, but Kelly has been trying to get me to stay home all week, reminding me of how I am leaving him.
Here's how our typical convos went this week.
Kelly:  We should go on a date soon!
Me:  Yeah let's do it!
Kelly:  Let's go on a Bar Louie date with unlimited drinks and tots.   (He knows that's my favorite place.)
Me:  Yeah!  When are we going to do this?
Kelly:  How about Saturday?
Me:  Umm I am going to be in Indy on Saturday remember? 
Kelly:  Oh yeah...guess that means you have to stay here!
So I put together a list of reasons why he should be happy while I am gone.
Here we go:
1.  He can park in the middle of the garage.
2.  The ice in the ice trays will not be crooked because I won't be there to refill them.
3.  He can continue to hog the covers like he does every night, only I won't be there to whine at him.
4.  He can play unlimited xbox, and he won't hear me complain a bit.
5.  He can have the "good" spot on the couch...AND the "good" blanket.
Should make for a pretty good weekend on his part if you ask me!
Happy Friday friends!

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