
Monday, July 22, 2013

I thought models were supposed to be tall?

First let me start off by saying that I bought this dress that I saw on Pinterest. 

It's super cute and I love it, but I have one complaint...
It's too short!
Aren't models supposed to be tall?
So why are all maxi dresses too short on me, when they are long on the models?
Apparently models aren't really that tall.
Or I am really tall.  It's probably that.
Anyways...I wore it on our Friday night date!
We kicked it off by going to the drive-in, but we stopped for dinner and drinks for at Bar Louie first.
I started it off with a Tickled Pink Grapefruit Martini.  My absolute favorite!
Then it was a Raspberry-Peach Bellini!

Then an Effin' Good Cucumber Martini.  Very refreshing!
I had the Roasted Vegetable Flatbread which was very tastey!  I may have eaten the whole thing...I'll never tell.
Then we were on our way to the drive-in!  If you don't have a drive-in near you, I feel bad for you.  There is really no other way to see a movie in the summer as far as I'm concerned.  It costs $8 a person, you get to see 2 movies, bring a cooler, and bring your own comfy seating arrangements!

We saw Turbo which was a lot better than I thought it would be!  I would actually see it again.

And we saw The Heat, which was hilarious!
Saturday night we went up to Kelly's grandparents house to celebrate his aunt and uncle's 25th anniversary.  It was a quick, but fun visit!
Yesterday I went to Target and totally ransacked the dollar section.  I only had 10 minutes before I had to go to church, so I was just throwing things in my basket.  I would say it was a successful trip.
Then it stormed the rest of the evening.
And that was my weekend!
How was yours?
Sami's Shenanigans


  1. I hate when dresses/clothes don't come the way you thought they would. I have one site that I buy from, that tells how tall the models are (who are usually taller than I am), so when I see a skirt that looks too short on them, I've rationed that, on me, who is shorter, it would be acceptable. And it NEVER is. I don't get it.

  2. The drive in near us closed. I'm bummed.

    Where is the dress from? I want!
