
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Happy Hump Day!

It's already Wednesday!  I have to say...Wednesday is my favorite day of the week.  Well besides Friday, Saturday, and Sunday...and sometimes Thursday.  I'm linking up with Michelle for Oh How Pinteresting! and Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Here's what I am loving today:
I am loving that I finally got to go to the grocery store last night...Even if it was at 10:00.  Our refridgerator was almost completely empty.  Nothing but salad dressings and other condiments.  Now it is fully stocked with lots of healthy goodness!
I am loving the show Drunk History!  I think I said this last week, but we watch it on Tuesday nights so its always fresh in my memory.  If you haven't watched it, you need to.  It's so funny!
I am loving my job!  I started teaching actual lessons this week (unlike last week where we talked about rules and procedures all week).  I get so excited to go to school every morning!
I am loving that we don't have anything going on this weekend!  We have been so busy lately, and I have so much stuff to do around the house.  Or I might just lay on the couch.  Who knows!
I am loving my pins!  You can find there here.

Stuffed zucchini boats...My mom made these last week.  They are so good!

Exuma pants...I will be having some of these! 

Yummy for fall...even though I am still not done with summer.

Quinoa Chicken Soup

Can I have one now?

People do not understand this concept.  I cried last week for no reason other than I was just so tired!

Remember how I just said I cried last week for no reason?
Have a fab Wednesday!


  1. Glad, despite being tired, you're enjoying the school year. I go back next week (the week of meetings and setting up rooms, etc), and Im just not ready for the mayhem of the start of the year!

  2. Loved the pants. they are cute. and loved the things with bottle caps. Pinterest is the best. It can occupy you for hours
