
Thursday, September 5, 2013

My best advice to you

It's day 3 of Blogtember with Jenni @ Story of My Life

Thursday, September 5: Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered.
This advice comes from my dad. 
It was drilled in my head my entire life, not that I'm complaining.  I can honestly say that I follow this advice everyday of my life. 
Don't do something because it's what everyone else is doing.  Do what YOU want to do.  Be yourself, and try as much as possible not to care what others think about you (even though it's hard sometimes). 
Part of being a leader is having a can-do attitude.  Glass half full.  Life presents us with challenges to be faced and to overcome, not obstacles to make us fail. 
A leader is not someone who tells everyone else what to do, that is being bossy.   The leader is at the front of the pack, pushing on and setting a new standard for everyone else.  A leader works harder at accomplishing goals than anyone else, pressing on and making sure goals are met and exceeded. 
Because of this advice, I am constantly striving to be the best, and setting a standard for others.  This especially holds true at school.  I have to be the best.  Sometimes I hate it that its like that because sometimes I just feel like doing the bare minimum that I have to, but I have to be the best.  It never goes away. 
It often gets to me at school when I see kids copying off of someone else's project or off of my example project.  I just want to shout at them and say "Be yourself!"  I want to know what their ideas are, not their neighbor's ideas.  This is one of the hardest parts of my job.  I am always working towards getting them to think outside the box and work from their own creativity. 

Okay I ranted. 

What's the best advice
you have ever been given?

1 comment:

  1. I really like this advice! I just did a lesson with my students about being leaders and being themselves. I pulled in sports, pop artists, books, etc. I even showed them parts of my blog to help! Hope it works lol. Good luck with your kiddos!
