
Monday, November 18, 2013

Mumbo Jumbo Post

I made it!  I made it through the last two weeks, and now it is smooth sailing until Thanksgiving Break.   Between dog sitting my puppy brother, decorating for the Veteran's Day program, working school events (which have been numerous lately), getting evaluated, and having paperwork for my evaluation due, I just about thought I wouldn't make it.  Oh and it was book fair week, so the kids were all wound up too.

Thankfully I got everything done for this week on Friday, so I didn't have to go in yesterday.  My friend Megan made a surprise visit on Saturday night, so we went out to dinner. 
We came home and watched The Internship which was better than I expected.

Sunday we were supposed to have bad weather, so we just hung around the house.  We watched Grown Ups 2.
It was just about the worst movie ever.  There were some funny parts, but the whole movie had no point.  No plot what-so-ever. 
I made two meals for this week in my new crockpot.  I did lots of laundry and cleaned my little heart out.
Like I said we were supposed to have bad weather, and although it ended up just raining here, there was a tornado about an hour north of here, where some of Kelly's family is from.  My friend Megan that came up on Saturday lives there also. 
Her house was hit by the tornado.  Thankfully everyone is okay.  It's just crazy how one day everything was good, and we were having a feast for dinner, and the next day her house is demolished.  She was more fortunate than others around her.  She still has a roof, but there are broken windows, and her belongings are strewn about. 

I'm so thankful that she is okay.  I'm not sure what I would do without my best friend!
On a happier note, it's going to be a good week!  There is not a lot going on, and we are counting down to Thanksgiving. 
Okay I am done rambling now.  Have a great Monday!
Sami's Shenanigans


  1. Oh my goodness! I'm glad your friend is ok too! The tornadoes looked insanely awful in this last pass. I hope that she's able to recover quickly!

  2. Book fair week!! I'm SO glad everyone is okay. We live just a little south of the tornadoes in Ohio and it was definitely a nerve wracking night! Sending some prayers for your friend and her town.

  3. I'm so glad your friend is ok! Is that in Washington? We were driving back from Ft. Wayne on Sunday and got here about 30 min before the storms came through. I'm so glad we left when we did because we missed the tornadoes that hit up there and down here!
