
Monday, November 25, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans...or lack thereof

They say it's fall, but I don't believe them one bit.  The first official day of winter is not until December 21st, but it was 27 degrees here at one point this weekend.  I took some selfies with my warm clothes (furry hood, scarf, and all) while sitting on the couch in our icebox house. 

I cannot take the cold.  I belong in Florida, where there are no leaves to rake, and its a sunny 75 degrees.

That was pretty much the excitement of my weekend.
I colored...
I had coffee with myself...(notice the correctly spelled name.  Points for me!)

I watched Willy Wonka...

We watched Walking Dead...another semi-boring episode.  I'm ready for some action.  I'm sure it's coming.  The Governor is falling off his rocker again.
And I put up the Christmas tree.  It has three whole ornaments on it.
And the BEST news of all...
Today is like a Thursday!  It's a two day week here!  That means I will have a five day weekend!
I can't even be in a bad mood.
Happy Monday Thursday!


  1. Holy crappers that's cold! Weather like that is what drove us from Connecticut to Florida and we've never looked back ;-)

    Stay warm! Hopefully it was just a cold snap and it'll warm up soon.

  2. I wish we didnt have school on Wednesday but ours is at least a 2 hour early release which means I'll be able to leave here around 2, hopefully.
    Hope it warms up for you! Its frigid as anything here and I'm not a fan

  3. We were out raking leaves in the chilliness. Brr!!!
