
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Worst Christmas Shopper Ever

Last Friday was Black Friday.  Saturday was Small Business Saturday.  Yesterday was Cyber Monday.  And today, today is Shameful Tuesday because I bought absolutely nothing on any of those days. 
Black Friday is not really for me, too many people, too much digging for things I want, too much chaos.  I like order, and I do not like to dig when I am shopping.  The former retail worker in me likes nice neat, clean racks, where the hangers are all in line.  That doesn't happen on Black Friday.
I love to shop all the little places on Small Business Saturday.  Little places don't usually have good sales, with the exception of this day.  I'm all about the sale, as long I don't have to hurt anyone.  Unfortunately, we were out of town so I didn't get to go to any of my favorite little shops.
Cyber Monday...This day is my game.  I love to shop from my couch, especially when it's on sale!  I am pretty convinced that Cyber Monday has deals that are just as good as Black Friday, only you don't have to fight someone's grandma for that pair of shoes you've had your eye on.
Last night, as I was hopping into my warm bed with my Nook at 11:30, I realized that I had missed Cyber Monday!  I didn't get home until 8:30, and when I did finally get home, we watched 3 episodes of Parenthood (and why is Hattie never nice to her parents?!) and shopping didn't even come to my mind. 
So today is Shameful Tuesday.  Because it is December 3rd.  And I have not marked one name off my Christmas list.
Hey at least I don't have to feel like this right?!



  1. I'm with you on all of this (except I did a little Cyber Monday shopping....for myself. Doh!)....I hate the crowds and how MEAN people can be to get a stupid "deal" on something. I'd rather pay $20 more and not risk death and dismemberment!
    I also have almost no one crossed off of my list, and have NO idea what to get some people. *sigh*....time to start thinking, and thinking fast!!

  2. We did a little shopping on Black Friday although I HATE it. I also refuse to shop on Thanksgiving day and I hope the stores will stop opening earlier and earlier. We went to Kohls, but left because the line was wrapped around the entire store, so I went home and ordered what I went there for online (for the same deal... score!) and we stopped at Target and Best Buy. No malls!

    I also prefer Cyber Monday, and order my husband's big gift yesterday with the deals that were going on.

    Don't worry, you still have plenty of shopping days before Christmas!

  3. The only thing we did on Black Friday was go wait in line to get a CMoE membership at half off. I bought a few things online but we already have our shopping done because we do it throughout the year. No way do I want to deal with the ridiculousness of crowds!
