
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pinsday Wednesday

Today is Wednesday!  In case you weren't sure.  But Wednesday is my favorite weekday, besides Friday of course.  I have an extra plan period on Wednesdays, which means I always feel extra accomplished.  It is also a good workout day, and I get home earlier on Wednesdays.  Pluses (what is the plural of plus?) all around!
Here are my favorite pins of the week! 
You can find all of my pins here.
Cadbury Crème Egg Cupcakes.  Hello favorite Easter candy.

LOVE these shorts.

I'm in the market for a new workout bag.  I think this could be a winner!
Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. The cupcakes look so amazing! And oh my gosh I found those shorts too and have been teetering back and forth about buying them! They look so cute but I wonder what they would look like on - and I say go for the new bag, its super cute!

  2. I found your blog through your guest post today! Added you to my BlogLovin feed. I hope you will check out my blog out -
