
Monday, February 24, 2014

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday!  If there is such a thing.

I don't know about you but it was BEAUTIFUL outside this weekend, part of it anyways.  I definitely am suffering from spring fever.  I think that means I need to stay home today.

Friday I woke up to a broken cable box, which means no cable in the living room, which means my morning routine of coffee drinking, blogging and news watching was rudely interrupted.  I spent the morning chatting with a tech guy only for him to tell me that we need a new one.  So here I sit in silence.  I could move to another room but that would really mess me up!

Friday night I babysit my favorite kiddos. 

We made a fort for the oldest girly because she was sick, but it was torn down rather quickly because I was told by the littlest one, "There's a stink in there".  I am not sure what that stink was but they decided it had to come down.

After the fort, we played "Girl Scout Cookie Delivery People".

Followed by "Blanket Taco"

And ended with a game of "Attempt to pull Elyse around on a blanket".  They lost that game.
Saturday it was SO nice outside.  60+ degrees and not a cloud in the sky!  I went to yoga where I almost got up into my first tri-pod headstand.  I was SO close.  And no wall either!  Then Kelly and I celebrated National Margarita Day at a local Mexican place.  

We came home and watched House of Cards, which I am finally getting into, and by getting into, I mean I stayed awake for a whole entire episode, so it must be getting interesting. 
I also got to snuggle with my puppy brother.  My parents are out of town so he is my responsibility for the week.  I like having him except for when he wakes me up in the middle of the night.  Then I have words for him.  And they aren't nice. 
Also that is about 80 pounds of dog laying on my shins, but how cute is he?

I also did a little crafting on Saturday night.  I am working on more examples for my Sprinkles and Splatters adventure, as well as some painted letters for my bathroom. 

Sunday was a lazy day filled with more episodes of House of Cards, crafting and snuggling.  I am going to give you one guess on what the weather did...
If you said snow, you were right. 
Indiana, where it is warm enough to lay out one day, and cold enough to snow the next.

I also squeezed a pretty awesome workout in there. 
Bring it on Monday!  I am ready for whatever hand you deal me!

1 comment:

  1. Your nap spot on the couch looks amazing! It makes me want to snuggle up on my couch now!
