
Monday, March 3, 2014

I live under a rock

So apparently the Oscars were on last night, and I didn't even know.  It didn't really even matter either because the only movie I had heard of on there was Frozen, and I haven't even seen it.  I didn't even know half the actors.  Hence the title of this post.
Onto my weekend recap:
Friday night we packed up the dog and headed up to Indy to spend the weekend with my brother and sister, despite the impending snow storm situation.  I wasn't going to let the weather keep me from seeing my long lost siblings!
We got there late, but there was still time for dinner and drinks at Matt the Miller's Tavern.
I sipped on Blueberry Basil Limoncello Martinis.  So yum.
The Shrimp and Grits were also quite delicious!
My sister and I.
Lauren, Whitney and I with our drinks!

Sneaky little snapchats...

The next morning we left the boys and went to a cycling class, followed by coffee and toast at Eggshell Bistro.  It allowed for plenty of time to girl talk because the service was turtle-speed.  I guess this place is all about "the experience".  The atmosphere was so quaint and adorable, and the coffee was good, buuuut so slow.  I can't imagine how it would have been if we had actually ordered real food. 

After coffee, we headed back to meet the boys for lunch.  I forgot to take pictures of this part.  We went to Sweet and Savory.  This was the point of the weekend where I decided to play "Let's see how many restaurants we can go to in a 24 hour period".
After lunch we went to yet another restaurant to meet my friend Emily for drinks.  Kelly wanted to watch the Notre Dame game and we wanted to talk, so this allowed us to do both!  Everyone was happy!  The Bloody Marys were going down smoothly!

Which later called for a nap, and a post nap selfie.

Since we had already been to four restaurants, we decided to stay in for dinner and drinks on Saturday.  My brother and Whitney made us enchiladas, and I discovered a delicious new drink that I will share later on this week.
Sib pic with our +1s.  We tried to get the puppy brother in there but he wasn't really cooperating.

And Dierks... all alone.  I think he needs a mate!

Unfortunately we had to cut the weekend short because of the snow storm.  We left after dinner on Saturday night.  I may have cried on the way home.  I just hate being separated from my favorite people!  I think it was a good choice though.  We ended up getting enough snow and ice to cancel school today and have a two hour delay tomorrow! 
Oy Old Man Winter! Enough already!
Happy Monday (almost Tuesday)! 


  1. Aww I'm so jealous that you get to be so close to your siblings. They are the best :)

  2. I'll have to look up some of these restaurants and see if they are close to me! The drinks look delicious!

  3. Those martinis look fabulous! And don't worry, I didn't know the Oscars were on either until one of my friends texted and asked if I was watching :-P
