
Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Party Recap

Hey remember me?  I took a little break last week.  It ended up being a super busy week at school!  We also had a party at our house this past weekend, so all my extra hours were dedicated to party-prep and cleaning.   
The party was in celebration of my Leprechaun boyfriend.  He is a St. Patrick's Day baby, so we always have a big party to celebrate. 
I have to say, I was not as good of a party planner this year.  That is not to say that the party wasn't a success, but it wasn't as Pinterest-y as I had hoped for.  Buffalo Wild Wings catered, which was a huge hit!    And the weather was nice enough to attempt a fire in our fire pit.  I say attempt because our wood was bad and we couldn't ever get it started.  There's always next year!

There are few things that Kelly loves more than cookie cake.  I wanted to make one this year, but he insisted that I buy one.  My baking skills are sometimes lacking.  He didn't want to take any chances!

We had plenty of ridiculous St. Patrick's Day novelty items, including a sequin bow tie and my personal favorite, a glittery beard.

Our friends Megan and Reed did not hesitate to get dressed up!

Sunday we drove up to Kelly's grandparents' to celebrate his birthday with his family!

We had tickets to an Icemen game for Sunday night, and after driving back home, we were so close to not going!  Apparently everyone else had the same thoughts because the place was not even half-full.  It was snowing outside so I think that kept people away.  It wasn't the most fun game we have ever been to (they were down the whole game), but it was good time considering tickets were free through Kelly's work.

To celebrate tonight we are getting carry out sushi and fried rice.  Nothing says St. Patrick's Day like Japanese food right?
Happy St. Patrick's Day!  And Happy Birthday Kelly!

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