
Friday, March 21, 2014

We made it!

It's finally here.  The last day before Spring Break!  Come Monday we will be on a plane to Florida.  Hallelujah!

Words cannot explain how much I am in need of sunshine.
I am not sure if I ever told you this, but we got our round trip airline tickets for $350 total.  That includes our luggage.  AMAZING
I also found a studio condo to rent for the week for $777.  ALSO AMAZING!  And bonus points because the condo is actually nice.  It's on the bay, not the beach, but it was recently remodeled.  I am still trying to figure out why it was so cheap.  There's probably a catch, but I'm okay with it!
Now I just have to get through this day.  We have some major evaluation stuff due today, which I am very behind on, and the kids are going to be crazy!
It's also casual day.  Do leggings and a sweatshirt count as casual?

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