
Friday, April 25, 2014

5 on Friday

Is it just me or does this feel like the longest week ever?  I am so glad it's Friday!  I am also so glad that I took the day off today.  It definitely pays off to save your personal days until the end of the year!  Plus there's only 23 days of school left!  Yippee!
Here are my fav parts of the week:
1.  I took one of my students to lunch yesterday,  She had been working to fill up her behavior chart for months so she could go out to eat with me, and she finally made it!  We had so much fun!
We had to take a selfie because she said that it was the best day of her life and she wanted to remember it forever.  How cute is that!?

(Disclaimer:  I know I probably shouldn't put this on here, but I just can't help it.  It's too cute!)
She was the same student who wrote an essay for an essay contest about why I was her favorite teacher...and she won!

2.  I got this random note from a student yesterday.
I am not sure why she said her name is FEDR13 but apparently she lost a tooth by eating food and it came out.
So funny!
3.  I am taking the day off today.  I am going to yoga, then a BBQ fundraiser, then my mom and I are headed up to Indy to help my sister plan her wedding, mainly wedding dress shopping!  I am SO excited!
4.  I found the perfect location for the bachelorette party!  We are going to go to Kentucky Lake and rent a big house and a couple of boats for a lake weekend!  I found the perfect house, and I'm emailing the owner back to reserve as soon as I post this!
5.  I went to the Right to Life banquet with my dad last night, and it was so inspiring!  Evansville hosts the largest Right to Life fundraiser in the nation in coordination with all Right to Life organizations all over southern Indiana.  The governor was there along with several other senators and important people.  It was awesome to see so many people gather together for such a great cause!  Unfortunately I did not take any pictures!
Have a happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE cute kid stories and notes! So glad you had such a good time with her at lunch, and SO sweet that she said it was the best day ever :)
