
Monday, April 21, 2014

Hippity Hoppity Recap

I hope all of you had a very happy Easter filled with lots of family and friends!
Friday was my mom's birthday!  It was such a nice day!
So instead of working out after school, I went to my parent's house and lounged in the driveway with her and a cold beer.  It was a decision that I definitely don't regret!

After a few beers we decided to get my mom's wedding dress out.  My sister has this crazy idea that she wants to wear it for her wedding, so naturally I had to try it on.  I could get it on, but it wouldn't quite zip.  It also smells like moth balls.  I told my sister that maybe wearing the veil would be a better option than wearing the dress!

Friday night I babysit my four favorite kiddos!  We played outside until it was practically dark, and then we dyed Easter eggs!

The older two are getting a little too old for bath time, but the younger two still love to ham it up in the tub!

Saturday night we went out to eat for my mom's birthday, then went back to their house to sit by the fire pit and have drinks.  It was a perfect night!

Sunday we got up early and went to church.  It was so nice outside!

After church we drove up to Kelly's hometown to have lunch with his dad's side of the family, then we drove home speedy-quick so I could make a cake to take to my grandma's for dinner.  The cake ended up being a disaster (meringue is not my friend), and I had to modify the recipe, but it turned out to be delicious! 
What did you do to celebrate my favorite spring holiday?


  1. Loving the pics of you in your mom's wedding dress, too funny! Looks like the perfect holiday weekend :)

  2. I love how after a few beers it was time to try on the ole wedding dress......that is absolutely something I would do after a few deep I mean it makes perfect sense right? ;-)
