
Monday, June 2, 2014

Since I've been gone....

It's been about 25 days since I have blogged, but it feels like so much longer!  I had so much stuff going on with the start of my new business and the end of school.  Plus we have been super busy on the weekend with all kinds of fun stuff.
Now that it is summer, I am more than ready to give some of my attention to this little blog!
Here's what I've been up to lately...
I've lost 10.8 lbs. on the 21 Day Fix.  I'm pretty sure it's one of the best nutrition plans around (I'm also pretty sure I had a little bit of the flu so that helped).  You get a container for all your food groups.  You fill up each one with your favorite foods a certain number of times a day and that's it.  It's all about portion control.  There is also a workout plan that goes along with it, but I like my workouts already so I haven't been doing those as much. 

I am on my second round now, but I haven't been totally dedicated to it like  I should be so I haven't lost anymore weight.  There is too many yummy drinks to have during summer!  I am hoping to change that this week though!
I had my first painting parties while I was away!  I have had two so far, with another one tonight!  Here is a sneak peek:

I got poison ivy while I was away too!  For someone who had never had poison ivy in her life until this past fall, I sure am allergic to it now!  I have no idea where it came from but it was all over me.  It's been 4 weeks and I think it's finally completely gone. 
We also learned some depressing news at school.  We are getting a new principal.  Our school corporation is moving around 10 principals in order to make certain schools more effective.  Our school is already more than effective, and our principal is amazing, so he is getting pulled to clean up some messes.  The last few days of school were pretty rough for us.  If you work at a school, you know how an administrative change can be very difficult.  Especially if it is sudden and un-wanted.
Since we are the Oakdale Oaks, we/I painted a palette with an Oak tree on it for all the kids and teachers to put their thumbprints on.  We gave it to him on the last day of school.
Then we had a staff golf outing, and it made everything better (almost)!  More on that in another post.
I'm so excited to be back to blogging!
Blogging, coffee, and pools...that's what summers are made of.
Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the weight loss! I am so allergic to poison ivy/oak that I have to get cortisone shots to get rid of it. It's awful!
