
Friday, June 29, 2012

Quicky Friday Post

Well the temperature is 106 degrees here today.

The grass is brown and the asphault is scalding.  Trust me I went outside barefoot a second ago (burning feet seems to be a reoccuring theme for me lately).

Fireworks are now banned, and our county has been declared a disaster emergency because of the extreme heat and lack of rain.

Stuff has been catching on fire like crazy!

Side note: I was picking up Kelly from work to go on a lunch date the other day, and the ashtray bucket thing outside the door was on fire!  Good thing I was there to save the day!

But it's all good because we are going here for the weekend!

Patoka Lake!  We are leaving as soon as Kelly gets home from work at 5:00, but our friends just got there, my friend Lindsey sent me this awesome picture! 

We normally get houseboat at Kentucky Lake for the 4th weekend, but we opted for a cabin closer to home this year.  I was a little disappointed at this because I loved the houseboat trip, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise because you can't really use the AC on a houseboat unless you want to spend $1,000 on gas!  And it's supposed to be in the 105-108 range this weekend! 

Holy hotdogs that's hot!

See ya Monday!


  1. The letters you created are sooooo cute and i love how you could create them to match whatever decor/design style you have!

    I am putting together a list of email addys for guest posts... i took the one off of your facebook badge on your sidebar... oh and i friended you too! I hope this email is a good spot to reach you! If not, i can send the details to another address!


    1. That email is fine! I got your friend request. Can't wait!
