
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July and WILW!


I have been a bad blogger the past two weeks.

I have not even had a chance to post the pictures from two weekends ago!

Actually that's not entirely my fault since the pictures are not in my posession (my camera battery was dead so we had to use my dear friend Megan's).

Not to mention I have been a bad follower!

I haven't got to read any blogs since Friday! 

I have a LOT of catching up to do.  So if you all wouldn't mind to stop posting until I get all caught up on your lives.  Thanks.

But it's (would someone be so kind as to please remind me of the rule of its and it's because I am at constant war with myself on which one to use where) Wednesday so let's link up with Jamie @ This Kind of Love and What I'm Loving Wednesday and Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Oh So Pinteresting Wednesday! 

Here is what I'm loving on this Independence Day!

I am loving that Kelly and I are going to breakfast today before he goes into work to catch up on stuff.

I am loving that I get to spend the day at the pool with my mom!

I am loving that we are having a little cookout tonight at my parents house, and then watching fireworks from New York on t.v. (not really loving that part, but all of the fireworks shows around here have been cancelled due to the draught).

I am loving that we had such a great time on our 4th of July weekend cabin/boating trip this past weekend! 

 Just to make this clear, Kelly is NOT a dad, but that is his most favorite and coveted shirt from Goodwill.

The view from our cabin/house.

Patoka Lake

On the boat.

Going for a swim in the lake!

 The beginnings of a beautiful sunset as we were heading back to the marina.

Waiting on dinner to cook.

Waiting for our boat to come pick us up on the shore outside our cabin.

There it is!

Now for Pinterest!

The part that people REALLY care about!

I am loving these skirts!  I actually have a skirt very similar to this but it's ivory and not as fun.

Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
I am loving the top knot!  I actually did try to do this to my hair today but I couldn't understand what was happening in step 4.  Or 6. Or 7.  So actually this wasn't that helpful, and I ended up putting my hair in a high bun.  It kind of looked the same though. Ha

I am loving this teacher stool!  I painted a stool when I was in high school, but this one is way better...It has feathers!  Add that to my summer bucket list. 

Snickerdoodle Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting....I can't wait to try these!

S'mores Bars
I made these last Friday for our trip after trying them earlier in the week (my sister made some).  I'm not kidding...I will probably never have the urge to eat a regular s'more again (besides the fact that it's way easier than making these).  They were so good!  And everyone gobbled them up!

I think about Boy Meets World sometimes.  I really and this day...still miss it.  Hands down best show of the 90's.

And as always I am loving my life with a cherry on top!

Happy 4th!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad yo uhad a fun 4th of July trip! And Boy Meets World was also one of my favorites - of course, because it was the best show EVER.

    I know you've been busy and haven't had much time to blog lately, but I nominated you for a blog award - check out my post from today if you want to play :)
