
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thirsty Thursday and Currently

Just for the record I am really excited about this post because I actually have fun stuff to talk about!  No Debbie Downers here!

Let's have a drink with  Trish @ Tales from Trish and Jenn @ Going to the Distance !

Strawberry Vodka Lemonade Sparkler

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2 oz. strawberry infused Svedka vodka | 2 oz. simple syrup | 2 oz. fresh lemon juice | Top with sparkling wine | Garnish with strawberries and mint

Now I have my drink...Let's talk. 

Just a warning, I have a lot to talk about today!

Love in the Wild- Did anyone watch this on Tuesday night?  They just started the second season (I didn't even watch the first season), and I am loving it!  I normally don't watch shows like that, but I'm feeling a weekly trend!

McDonald's- I do not like McDonald's.  The service sucks (I have to go there for the Salon to get tea for the girls), and the food is so bad for you! I hadn't been there in foooooorever (not that I ate there a ton before, just a biscuit here and there after a long night or sometimes a fruit and yogurt parfait)!  Well last week my babysitting kiddos wanted to go there for lunch.  I protested and protested and finally gave in, and I was SO hungry.  So I ate six chicken nuggets.  I felt so bad about it afterwards...I ruined my streak!  Yesterday, I forgot to eat breakfast and so when I went to get the teas I got the new blueberry banana nut oatmeal.  It was SO good.  Rivals Panera's oatmeal even!  My only complaint is that some of the stems were still in the blueberries...yuck, but other than that it was good!

Proper Grammar- I cannot stand it when people do not use proper grammar...I drives me nut-so!  Yesterday when I went to Sonic to get drinks for the Salon (we are thirsty people) the car-hop was rolling around asking everyone if they were "Doin' good?".  It sounded so awful!  "Doing okay?", "Doing well?" Those would be fine.  "Doin' good?"... No thank you.  And the use of "was" instead of "were".  "We was drivin' down the road n' the truck n' all of a suddn' a possum run right out n' front a' us!" (This really did happen to me the other day, but I was in a car, not a truck) We are not from the hills people!  We are from Indiana, and the land is pretty flat!

Here is my currently for this month, thanks to Farley @ Oh' Boy Fourth Grade.

Listening- to The Today Show. Not as exciting today as it has been this week with the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.  I love all things royal family, so I was loving that!

Loving- all of the support I am getting from my post yesterday.  You guys left me so many great suggestions and uplifting comments!  It really makes me feel a lot better about the whole situation.  I even ordered a book called What Color is Your Parachute?
 thanks to the suggestion of Nicole Rene!  I can't wait until it comes in!

Thinking- I am thinking about re-designing my blog!  There are so many cute designs out there, and I am already feeling like I want to change!  I love my design now, but I want to spread the love!

Wanting- to go back to bed.  I am having trouble getting motivated today! 

Needing- to clear off the kitchen table.  I am sitting on my bed typing this, and through the doorway, I can see the huge pile of mess that is sitting on the kitchen table.  The table is conveniently located right when you walk in the door and by the washing machine and naturally it is usually covered in mail and clean laundry. :-/  I have done EVERYTHING to try to keep it cleared off.  I hung/hanged (?) some hooks near the table to hang my many bags on, I got a bill file/key hook thing to hang on the wall and put our junk in, I try to fold laundry as I do it...Stuff just always ends up on that table.  It's like a magnet!

Wish- wouldn't it be so awesome to go to the Olympics this summer? I LOVE London and think that would be an awesome experience!

Went- We haven't really gone anywhere this summer yet, although we have a lot of stuff coming up.  We went to the Newburgh Wine and Jazz Festival a couple weeks ago, and it was really fun!  Tickets were $15 and you got to go around to each winery and have as many samples as you want! It was a beautiful thing!

Want- I want to go to Disney World, and I AM going to Disney World!  Yippee!  I am starting to get excited for our trip at the end of July!

Ok.  I am finally done! 

Have a great Thursday and enjoy your Happy Hour!

1 comment:

  1. As your former English teacher, I have to say that I love your post!
