
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Hooray for Wednesdays!  We are halfway there people! 

 My Pinterest account is FINALLY back to it's normal self (it seemed like it was out of comission for an eternity!). 

I don't know how it was fixed. 

I did nothing. 

The Pinterest gods perhaps (don't laugh, they exist).

Soooo let's link up on this hot hot hot day!

I am loving that I have a dentist appointment today!  I love going to the dentist!  Something about having clean teeth just makes me feel content.

I am loving that my vegetable plants are producing vegetables! Look at all of those peppers!

And there's still more growing!

You can baaaaarely see it, but this plant has two little yellow flowers.  Those flowers are going to turn into tomoatoes!  At least that is what I'm hoping.

I am loving all of my DIY projects I have going right now (4? I think).  My goal was to have them done by the weekend, but I am starting to see that that is not going to happen. I am also starting to realize that the employees at JoAnn Fabrics are slowly beginning to know me by name.

 Or as the *@#$%! lady with all of the coupons.

I saved $32 the last time I went!

But all this crafting is doing my living room no justice.
They always say it gets worse before it gets better!

Now for the fun stuff!

I want this for the wall in our room!  I just have to find an old frame to paint. 
This is where Good Will comes in.

I want to do this for the ugly old dresser that houses my under-things. 

Right now it is brown and old and ugly. 
See how overstuffed it is? And that's after I tucked in all the pieces that were hanging out!

Now for chocolate.  Because I am having a serious craving.

Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
Red Velvet Cinnamon Rolls.  YUM!

Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest

Cute for 4th of July!

And as always I am loving my life with a cherry on top!

That's all for today!

What are you loving on this Wednesday?

Happy Vanilla Milkshake Day!


  1. OMG. Red velvet cinnamon rolls? I need to make these!

  2. Red velvet cinnamon rolls.. OMG--I have to try those and that 4th of July strawberry looks delectable as well.. yum!

    Dropping by via WILW

    Mandi @ the Sassy Fit Mom

  3. I am so in love with the fact that you've got peppers! My post tomorrow will be about my pepper and tomato plants and how they booming! Well, for this first time gardener, booming is probably relative. Anyhow, I'm a new follower.
    I'm popping in from Oh, How Pinteresting.

  4. Where did you get your dot/swirl area rug?? Love it! Stopping by from WILW! Oh, and I have like 5 different crafts going on too :)

    1. Thanks! I got it from Target online about a year ago...I love it!

  5. Congrats on the peppers! How fun is it to grow things!? And those strawberries are SUCH a great idea for the fourth!

  6. Red velvet cinnamon roll?! I would be powerless to resist.

  7. The homegrown veggies are lookin' pretty tasty! Keep up the good work! Also, your living room looks much like mine.... and soon i will begin another project!

    BTW I am awarding you with The Versatile Blogger Award! Congrats!

  8. such cute pins! Love the blue frame as well!

    Also, I LOVE YOUR NAME. It's the best. Specifically with the y and not an i!

    Just found your blog- looking forward to reading more!

  9. Just ran into your blog and noticed you featured my red hot velvet cinnamon rolls this week! Thanks for the love :)

