
Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Another Wednesday already!

I am loving Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  I don't eat it very often (but I just did) because it's not so good for you being so covered in sugar in all, but at least it claims ti be whole grain (I don't really beleive that)!

I am loving that we are going on a cabin trip with our friends this weekend!  Even though it's going because 108 degrees here on Friday and 100 on Saturday and Sunday.  And we can't actually get in the lake because the water is waaaay down and bacteria ridden because of the draught. Sad face.  But it will still be fun!

I am also loving all my followers! Thanks for reading and commenting!
Now for Pinterest!

Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
I need this dress!  It's only euros, so that's like 20.00-ish bucks right?  Plus being shipped from Europe probably also about 20 bucks.  Whomp whomp :-/

My next crafty project...after I finish my current ones.

I want to do something like this with all the place we have gone together.

This would be cute for engagement pics.

Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
The hammock of my dreams. 

 That;s all for today!

Oh and as always I am loving my life with a cherry on top!

What are you loving today?!

1 comment:

  1. I heard on the radio (here in North Carolina) that the San Diego fair has deep fried Cinnamon Toast Crunch this year! My mom is taking me to the fair straight from the airport on Monday - I'll let you know how it is!
