
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Many Thanks! Plus 4th Fun

I have been meaning to post this for a while, but I just couldn't seem to get it done!

I had a job interview yesterday.  That is all I'm going to say about that.

So that is the reason for my absence and my lack of blog reading.

I have been preparing myself.

We had a good 4th of July.  Kind of boring since there were no fireworks, but my mom and I got to lay out for a little while until the heat became relentless and we couldn't take it anymore.  Then we had a delicious dinner of grilled brats, corn on the cob, and hashbrown casserole!
(Notice my Lime-A-Rita off to the side there.  Love those things!)

And fruit pizza for dessert!  Doesn't that look patriotic?!

Also, I am so honored because Simone over @ Busy as a Honey Bee AND Jessica @ Fantastically Average have both awarded me with the Versatile Blogger Award!  Yippee!  I love getting awards...but who doesn't really.  Simone and I just recently started following each other, and we have a lot in common.  So if you like my blog you'll like hers too.  Stop by and pay her a visit!  I'll  be guest posting for her while she's on vacation!  Jessica and I have been following each other since I first started blogging.  (I actually was going to give this her award when Simone first gave it to me, but she beat me to it!) I love seeing all the fun adventures she goes on and all of her recipe recaps!  She also helped me get through my job interview FAIL with her encouraging words.  Thanks girl!

Here are the rules for this award:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Include a link to their site.
3. Include the award image in your post.
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself.
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
6. When nominating, include a link to their site.
7. Let other bloggers know they've been nominated.

7 Random Facts About Me:

1.  I am going through a CMFAO stage in my life. (Crafting my f****** a** off)  I have anywhere from 5-10 projects that I am trying to finish right now.  I keep coming up with more and more that I want to do, and I can't wait to share!

2.  Another job posting just popped up for my school (I knew this was coming, but now I'm freaking out). 
See how long ago I wrote this?  I just had the interview for this job! Haha

3.  I am just finished reading What Color Is Your Parachute? by Richard N. Bolles as well as completing the workbook that goes with the book.  It is one of the best job-hunting books out there, and I think it is going to be a good thing for me to read!  I always have a hard time coming up with good things to say about myself (not that there isn't any, I guess I am just humble...or lack the brain cells to think of character traits), and I this book is already helping me do just that! (A big thanks to Nicole Rene @ Nicole Rene Design for making the suggestion!)

4.  My favorite movie of all time is The Sound of Music.  When I was little I would watch it just about everyday...and let me tell you it is a LONG movie to watch everyday!

I mean who hasn't sung "The Hills Are Alive" while twirling around and pretending that they are in the snow-capped mountains?

5.  I love playing Apples to Apples.  And Catch Phrase.  I don't get to play these games enough!  We played last weekend on our cabin trip, and I think I got a little scary.   No one wanted to play again. 

6.  I am six feet tall.  With flats.



Source: via Gayle on Pinterest

7.  I am loving the show Love in the Wild.  It is the definition of trash t.v.  Think of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette.  Ok now think of something with twice as much cocky guys and caddy girls.  And also pairings with two guys and one girl and one girl and two guys...stuck out in the jungle.  That is the recipe for drama.  LOVE IT!

Here are the 15 bloggers I choose for this award:

1.  Jessica @ Fantastically Average
3.  Christina @ Yours Truly
6.  Jen @ Going the Distance
8.  Alisha @ The Bubbly Blonde
9.  Melissa @ for the love
10.  Nicole Rene @ Nicole Rene Design
11.  Niki @ Gumdrops & Gloss
12.  The lovely ladies @ Endless Pinabilities!
13.  Bonnie @ Living a Wonderful Life
15.  Jessica @ Mrs. Stanford's Class

These ladies all have GREAT blogs that I love reading every week!  So pay them a visit! 

I can't wait to read all of the fun facts!


  1. You are so sweet!!! Thank you! I've always wanted to be super tall! I am so jealous! I love your tall girl facts!!!

    Have a great weekend - and I hope your interview went well!

  2. I love Sound of Music too!!! A lot of people don't understand my love for it, so I'm happy to know you do!

  3. Congrats again! Love that we both follow each other! I truly enjoy your blog and cannot wait to read your guest post .... Btw did u receive my email? I got an email tonight saying that it was not the correct email ... Let me know I can resend the email! Thanks so much for the kind words!!!!


  4. Thanks Elyse!! You are so sweet!! You can see my answers here if you want!!

  5. Thanks for re-passing this along to me! I have been behind on my blog reading since I was on vacation - but FINGERS ARE CROSSED for this new job opportunity!
