
Saturday, August 18, 2012

5 Things I Miss About Summer

Fall is approaching fast and school has been in session for three whole days, so really, as sad as it is, summer is basically over, especially with the way the temperatures have dropped in the past few days.  So I'm linking up with Nancy at Joy of Kindergarten for the 5 Things I Miss About Summer.

1.  I miss vacation and the beach.  Okay that was a two-fer but I did them both at the same time if that counts. 



2.  I miss crafting.  I mostly finished with all of my crafting.  I just have a few things left to do, and I have to finish posting about some of the stuff.  I am having trouble finding the time to finish though!

3.  I miss wine.  And margaritas.  Whenever, wherever.

It's all in moderation folks.  Ha

4.  I miss my sibs.  They are both back at school now.  :-( 

These pics are not from summer, but they are the only recent ones I have!  Note to self:  take more pictures with the sibs.

But not to worry because Labor Day weekend we will be reuniting in Atlanta (a trip that is long overdue and has been in the works for a long time).  ~Happy Dance~

5.  I miss laying out!  Or I should say I am going to miss laying out because I am still going to be doing that tomorrow. 

Link up with Nancy and share what you are going to miss about summer!


  1. I miss my beach whenever I want it too!! It seems to always be storming whenever I have off - boo! lol

  2. That's how life goes! Double boo!
