
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

WILW and Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday- Back to School Edition

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Let's link up with Jamie @ This Kind of Love and What I'm Loving Wednesday and Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday! 

Today I am loving that it is the first day of school!  So excited!
I am also excited that it is not going to rain for my first day of outdoor bus duty!  I was worried about my hair.
I am loving that I got my bulletin board finished yesterday (it took me the whole work day with all the meetings!).  I can't wait to share pictures once my room has come together.  We won't really have any kids for a couple of weeks until initial testing is done, so I will have little time to finish getting organized.
Overall I am just really loving my school!  I finally feel like everything is working out the way it was supposed to after all of the disappointment over the summer. :-)
Here is what I am loving from Pinterest on this first day of school:
10 different ways to wear a cardigan.  Love me some cardigans!


Cute table and crate seats!

I want this!

That's all for today!  Have a GREAT Wednesday!


  1. Stopping by from the link up!! :-)

    I absolutely ADORE that cardigan pin. I totally have an obsession with them and love new ways to wear them!

    Hope you have a fabulous Wednesday!


    1. I feel naked if I'm not wearing a cardigan! It's an essential! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Love the super power sign! Good luck on a new school year.

  3. Love the cardigan pin! Such great ideas! Happy Wednesday!

    Significance or Nothing.

    1. I love my cardigans! I feel incomplete without one!

  4. LOVE that cardigan pin!! I wish I could be more stylish...but until I stop having babies and my weight fluctuating...this girl is wearing the same ole same!!

    I got the sign today!!! it is SOOOOOOO super cute!! I can't wait to hang it up tomorrow!!
