
Thursday, August 9, 2012

August Currently

I was just catching up on my blog reading when I noticed that I completely 100% forgot to link up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade this month for the August Currently!  It's still the beginning of the month right?  And I know I won't be the very last person to link up so here it goes!

Listening: to an update on the Olympics.

I am so sad they are almost over!  Did anyone watch the USA vs. USA volleyball game last night?  It was fun to watch!  It's good to know that when May-Treanor and Walsh/Jennings retire we will still dominate! 

Loving:  that I get to go to school today.

I am going to school today to get a little more organized.  I moved all of my stuff across the hall to my new room on Monday, but there is not a whole lot of free space in that I have to figure something out.  But I am so excited to go!  I just love being there.  I am a dork.

Thinking:  my tan is not ready for school to start. 

I am excited to go to school and work on stuff, but a little not excited for school to start.  See, after I finish what I need to get done at school, I can still go about my day with all of the freedom that the summer brings (including laying by the pool).  Next week, that will not be the case!

Wanting: a donut

I HAVE to get back on my normal eating routine.  Being on vacation has messed me up!  I really am wanting something delicious for breakfast, but I will just settle for my hard boiled egg and V8....yum.

Needing:  more sleep

I have been trying to get up early this week so that next week it won't be so hard to get out of bed.  It sure is hard to gt out of bed now!  I hit my snooze button for 45 minutes this morning!  I guess I will have to put my alarm far away where I can't reach it!

B2S Must Haves:
1. Cricut
I heart my Cricut.  I don't what I ever did without it!  I ordered some chalkboard contact paper so that I can make chalkboard labels for my #2 must have....

2. Matching storage containers
I have SO many.  Anytime I see a container of any size that is blue, green, or black, it is mine.  I don';t even know what I am going to do with all of them yet!

3.  Lots of free space
See "Loving"

T.T.F.N. friends!


  1. ok, what's up with donuts lately? I swear they are everywhere. Every morning at work someone brings in a thing of donuts. And I end up eating multiple.

    Have fun at school (you guys are very much appreciated in my books).

  2. I've seen so many great things done with the Cricut and Cameo machines. I think I need one now. :) Maybe I should have added that to my Currently... I'd love to see your containers after you finish them!

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    ★ First-Graders from Outer Space ★
