
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

WILW and Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday

I missed my favorite link up last week due to my vacation, so I am so excited to get back into the swing of things.  Let's link up with Jamie @ This Kind of Love and What I'm Loving Wednesday and Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday! 

(I just noticed that there is a new button for Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday, but what's done is done!  It will have to wait until next week!)

Today I am loving (well kind of) that school starts next week!  I am excited, but I am also not excited because I just really like summer.  And I do not feel that my tan has reached it's potential yet.  I maybe just need one more week!  Nevertheless, school is starting so I guess I'll be excited!

I am my loving new job (also kind of, there is good and bad).  I am still an aide, but I will be in a Special Education Resource room working with first, second, and third grade in small groups throughout the day. 

The good: 
 I don't have to have lunch duty every day, so I get a lunch break. 
I get a plan period, which I also didn't get last year.
I get to plan my own lessons (mostly).
I get to work with my kindergartners from last year, since they will be in first grade!

The bad:
I will miss kindergarten.  Students and teachers.
I will have bus duty outside.  Every day.  No matter what.  I need to invest in a pair of rain boots. 

 So I guess overall the good outweighs the bad!

I am loving the Fifty Shades of Grey series.  I know I am really late to this SM party, but I had some other books that I wanted to read first.  I finished the first book over vacation, and I am halfway through the second book now.  So far, I really like them.  There are some boring parts and the steamy parts get kind of repetitive, but they are WAY steamier than I ever imagined they would be.  I am often left puzzled with questions like:

What is that?
He did what!?!

Now let's get to Pinterest!

I am loving this little table.  Fabric and Mod Podge.  I went to the junk store with my sister yesterday and saw two round tables for $7.00.  I think I might have to go back and get them!

 Love me some okra!

Homemade pretzels and jalapeno cheese dip.  Football parties!  (The only reason I like football)

Crispy Baked Asian Wings.  Another good one for football season!

Black Magic Cake.  Supposed to be the best chocolate cake EVER.  I won't be making this.  I can't bake because then I eat it all (but I could take it somewhere).  I just think it looks so yummy!!!  

Monogrammed coozies.  So cute!

I just had a thought that I probably shpuld have saved these good football pins until its actually that time then I would have something to talk about.  Oh well! 

Source: via Elyse on Pinterest

That's all for today! 

Next week this time school will be starting, and I'll be back to getting up at 4:45 a.m. so I can do my WILW post!  Yuck.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. That round table is so cute - you should definitely go back and get those tables you saw! I bet yours will turn out even cuter!

    Good luck with your new position - it sounds like you will have a lot more freedom, which is great. It sounds like just the job to use as a final stepping stone to having your own classroom!

    And I had to stop reading mid-post to go repin that pretzel recipe. That looks YUM!

  2. that black magic cake made my mouth water! my hubby's birthday is next week and i'm going to have to make that for sure!! :) love you blog,,,too cute!!

  3. The crunchy baked okra sounds yummy! I may have to try it! Happy Wednesday!
